Ancestral trauma a unique solution.

Shamanic practitioners have known for a millennia the connection between ancestral trauma and the issues ailing the ill person. Sometimes calling the issue “the bad spirit of the relative overshadowing and causing the illness in the person. Answering the age old question of “Why do we have genetic or mental health issues without no perceived source ? The Shaman appears to use a form of energy healing taking the bad spirit out of the body or etheric field of the ill person and bringing the client back to a healthy equilibrium.

It seems that modern psychotherapy has caught up with the Shamanic practitioner. Bruce Lipton best selling author of “The biology of Belief” is a stem cell biologist who believes that DNA can be switched on or off depending on environmental factors. He believes that trauma in the ancestral line can pass to our children’s children’s affecting thirteen generations. This is a big discovery but how do we heal this ? How do we stop the cycle of trauma going down the family line ?

The answer is that we have to break the cycle with healing and stop the patterns in our own family line. I have seen and felt this in action, with the healing of my mothers line, her father, my grandfather suffered and did not heal his own PTSD and the affects from being a POW during the Second World War. He suffered under the Japanese occupation of Kuching, passing down Inevitably to me, my ability to feel depressed in situations that made me feel overwhelmed. This trauma is now cleared with my Soul Session energy clearing and healing.

This unique solution is to call forth the ancestor that holds the core issue, then we confirm and heal this trauma energetically. How do we do this you ask ? We work like a team calling the creators energy “the source of all that is, to work through the ancestral line like energetic champagne. We imagine this energy sitting on top of each ancestor like a champagne glass, every ancestor clearing out every ancestor underneath it until the energy arrives to you. This is when you link your energy to your ancestral line clearing the pattern from your energetic field and like everyone of my clients you feel lighter and clearer, its a tangible energetic shift, the age olds adage as above so below. I have seen many clients who break the cycle in their family lines and confirm the familial energetic patterns picked up on and confirmed in Soul Sessions book here.

This is an informative and education article designed to inform people of the services offered by Chloe Ariell Soul Sessions Thanks for reading.


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