Sacred Image of the Holy Grail

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A popular mythological story in our collective consciousness really emphasises the collective void of the loss of the sacred feminine.

Travelling historically through the last 2000 years the persecution of intuition and things of an inner emotional nature have been at the forefront of the collective psyche. The external searching of the mythological story by the crusaders for the  "holy grail" (which ironically is shaped like the womb and the female reproductive system) showed the collective unconscious yearning for a personal connection to the sacred feminine within everyone.

The intuitive splatter paint with water colour was created with an intention of "what do people need to connect with on my website".  I used all my intuitive senses to gather the information I can see a group of men and women reaching up as the divine light envelopes them in blessed union. In the image clearly I can feel the divine nature and see the light pouring through the person on the right all the way to the core of mother earth "as above so below". I can hear in my mind "this is the time of the Great awakening a time of balancing the sacred masculine and feminine a time of reconnection to the Mother earth "let us all jump out of this collective amnesia and remember what she provides for us. Reconnect us back to what we innately knows is true within us all.

We live in a time of an imbalance on the earth plane due to the disregard of all things divinely feminine within us "as within so without". We can see this imbalance in the community with the high prevalance of domestic violence, the attack on our natural environment and the disregard of all sentient beings such as animals who we have not nurtured a sacred connection with distancing ourselves as nurturers and keepers of the garden that is Mother earth itself and seeing ourselves as being above the rights of the land and sea. On a micro level this disrespect of our own emotional qualities within ourselves choosing to suppress our feelings instead of honouring and transmuting these emotions through the  connection to the divine within and our sacred divine intuition.

We live in a state where people have been taught to fear their intuitive qualities seeing it as "crazy or schizoid" when in fact it is our divine right. Remember being told 'its just your imagination" belittling the awesome power of this state  of "clear vision" to something of such low regard. Einstein stated that the "Imagination is the doorway to our unlimited potential"  he developed his hypothesis of the theory of general relativity through his imagination. In the image above you can see that these intuitive qualities create sacred union in all  our hearts through embracing our holy and true divine natures connecting us to our multidimensional selves.

This is what it means to be co creators of our universal selves. The connection to these qualities within all of us is where the true holy grail can be found.  


Koala Bear and Brown Bear