What exactly is a Spiritual Healing Soul Session ?

If I was to best describe what actually happens with clients during a Soul Session. I would describe it as the ability to transform stuck energy in the auric or energy field of the client with the help of my guides and higher self. The ability to see clairvoyantly into the persons energy field to give accurate information for the highest potential for optimal healing and a realignment of any fragmented parts.

Some people are born or develop the ability to “see” into the energy body of people and even animals, I believe we can all develop this. In the initial part of the session, I ask permission of the person i am working with to see into the energy field. This is very important and this is established through asking the client permission to “see clairvoyantly” . Once the link is established my energy connects with the clients energy and I am able to feel and use all of my clear senses to establish the cause of the issue. I am taken to a particular part of the body where there is stuck energy and I am told how and what method to use to clear this part of the body. Sometimes i feel like a detective unraveling a story.

I am shown stories that relate to the issue, I can see and feel whether it is an ancestral issue, emotional, psychological, energetic or physical etc. I will get pictures if there is a soul aspect or past life issue related to the cause of the problem and shown how to clear it. I will see if there is a soul issue that has now manifested into the emotional and then physical body. Through some traumatic life experiences parts of our energetic body can leave, with my spirit team and the person in session we can help to re integrate these soul parts back.

Images of past life issues are also shown to me if that part of the persons soul aspect is not integrated into the field. Sometimes past life issues are needing to clear and brought into conscious awareness and then the soul can reconfigure and integrate into the unified field. Trauma can be carried over lifetimes and when the time comes such as an age or a particular situation it can be activated, I have found this to be true in my own experience.

Sometimes people who are around alot of trauma take on the energy of others, through perceived care, but a lack of energetic boundaries. People who are sensitive such as myself need to practice energetic hygiene regularly. I have worked with clearing people who work in the health field and sensitives empaths and healers who have unknowingly taken on certain energies or attachments and help them to keep their energy clear and strong through advice from their spirit team and guides. They may suggest certain meditative practices, eating more of a certain diet or having more of a certain nutrient or sustenance in the body.

Consciousness is (non local) which means surprising this doesn’t have to be in person. I personally prefer it over Facetime or Zoom to keep my energy clear as I am a pretty sensitive person and working remotely works the best for me. The person I’m working with is still able to leave the session feeling lighter and clearer than when they started with me. Information I am picking up is validated by issues that the person has has in the past or currently needing help with. I suppose the efficacy of this work is the fact I have many happy returning customers.

To book a session send an enquiry through the Get in touch section at the top of my page.


Chloe Ariell


Energetic Building Clearing in Melbourne Docklands


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